The Fall of the House of Usher: How does Frederick torture Morelle?

In the episode "The Pit and the Pendulum" of The Fall of the House of Usher, Frederick Usher, the husband of Morelle Usher, engages in extreme acts of torture against her. He keeps Morelle isolated and surrounded by pictures from their wedding day. Using a nightshade paralyzing drug, he renders her defenseless as he inflicts cruel acts upon her. One such act involves using a pair of pliers to disfigure her mouth, a punishment for what he perceives as a deceiving smile she offered him when they first met.This sadistic behavior goes beyond the usual cruelty displayed by the Usher family, causing even Verna, who is accustomed to their selfish and malicious actions, to be disturbed. Verna decides to intervene and whispers something to Frederick, persuading him to add a dose of the paralyzer drug to his bag of cocaine. Unaware of the added drug, Frederick proceeds to witness the demolition of Prospero's lab, a task assigned to him by his father. Unbeknownst to him, his impending demise looms.As Frederick snorts the drugged cocaine, the paralyzer takes effect, causing him to collapse. Verna appears before him, berating him for his actions and the torture he inflicted on Morelle. Through a walkie-talkie, she disguises her voice as Frederick's and gives the demolition crew the signal to proceed with the destruction of the building. A swinging beam descends slowly, ultimately splitting Frederick's body in half.With the death of Frederick, the last of the Usher children meet their fate. However, the Usher dynasty is not extinguished entirely. Lenore, believed to be the most promising among the Usher siblings, remains alive. But questions arise about her existence. While Roderick converses with Dupin, Madeline, Frederick's sister, works in the basement on an undisclosed project. She has enlisted Lenore's help in her pursuit of immortality through artificial intelligence. Considering the revelations from her encounter with Verna and the continuous text messages received by Roderick from his granddaughter, it is possible that Madeline has transformed Lenore into something other than human, or worse, something that no longer possesses the qualities of life.As the episode "The Pit and the Pendulum" demonstrates, Frederick's acts of torture against Morelle are part of a larger narrative of cruelty within the Usher family. The ultimate demise of Frederick marks a turning point in the story, leaving room for further exploration of the Usher dynasty and the unsettling experiments being conducted by Madeline. Only the subsequent episodes will reveal the true nature of Madeline's project and the fate of Lenore, providing a conclusion to this dark and twisted tale.
